John Newton
John began his comedy career in January 2003. He fast became known for his inventive writing, covering a wide spectrum of subjects from the surreal to hard hitting. Geoff Whiting quickly spotted John’s potential & he was performing regular paid 20-minute sets for Mirth control within 6 months of his first gig.
In 2007 John started work on the Cruise Ship Circuit booked by Matthew Willetts at Comicus and has to date clocked up over 50 Cruises, working on Ships such as The Ventura, The Oceana, Arcadia & Ocean Village 1 & 2. Performing to a more “mainstream audience” was a challenge John relished & he soon became a firm favourite of passengers & crew members alike, although he still see’s himself as a true alternative comedian with an impressive turn around of fresh original material.
John is now a regular at most of the big weekend clubs & works for most of the big players in the industry & is a particular favourite of Ian Franklin at The Comedy Club Ltd where he closes on a regular basis, particularly opening nights.
“John sucks you into his world with obscurely brilliant comedy” - The Comedy Vibe
“Slick & professional, a gag teller in the traditional mode, Newton is fast of mind and sharp of tongue, like a craftsman should be” - The Comedy Pad
“John Newton does not require gimmicks or stage characters as he has something more valuable to any comedian, good old fashioned solid gags” -